One of the numerous ways that we can reach out to our community as well as stay in touch with church members is through visitation. Our FAITH Evangelism Team has a great privilege each and every week of being able to go out and visit with folks in the community: people that are in the hospital and nursing homes, people that are homebound, people that are going through a time of crises, or people who have visited Chestnut Hill. If you know of someone that could use a visit (Church member, friend, neighbor or family member) or be encouraged by a visit from the FAITH Team, please fill our a visitation request form below.
Join us: FAITH Evangelism will equip and mobilize you in lifestyle evangelism, disciple-making, and ministry.
- Team Leader: George Barth
- Where we meet: Every Tuesday at 6:15 in the CHBC lobby
Want us to visit someone?
Have someone in mind that could use a visit from the FAITH Evangelism team? Fill out this form. Please fill out an additional form for each residence you would like us to visit. The information will be emailed to our church and is not shared with anyone else beyond the CHBC staff and FAITH team.